The 6 Agreements of the Karma Dog Training Method

Our dog is not below us on the totem pole, they are our equal, just a different species. And for those who have to choose a hierarchy, our dog is above us in terms of soul growth. We come from the perspective that our dog, albeit an animal, has probably more to teach us than we can teach them.

We treat our dog exactly the way we would like to be treated if we had to return in some future lifetime as the dog we now take care of. What if we literally had to come back in some future lifetime and walk in our dog’s paws? The law of Karma states: what you sow, so shall you reap; what goes around, comes around.

We choose to believe our dog is actually an angel in disguise. We come from the perspective that our dog’s true intention for being here on Earth with us is to assist in our spiritual growth. Yes, our dogs love us this much that they have agreed to do this for us.

We understand on a deep soul level that one of the primary reasons our dog has come into our life is to reflect back to us both the positive and negative aspects of self. We understand that by learning to love and heal the frightened parts of our dog’s personality, we’re also learning a pathway to love and heal ourselves.

We agree to see our dog as a soul first. Specifically, we acknowledge and have reverence for the fact that our dog is a soul, just like us, who is simply wearing a dog’s costume for this incarnation. We then do our best to come from a place on non-judgment in all our interactions.

The lessons we’re learning by being a great dog parent are as valuable as any soul lessons we will learn in our lifetime. It's a belief that the Universe uses the human/dog relationship as a metaphor and roadmap to provide us with the most profound and important lessons we'll need to evolve.
- I never ask my dog to do, what I myself would not do
- I never ask my dog to eat, what I myself would not eat
- I never ask my dog to wear, what I myself would not wear
- I never ask my dog to journey, where I myself would not journey
- I never ask my dog to sleep, where I myself would not sleep
- I never ask my dog to spend time with someone, I myself would not spend time with
- I never ask my dog to learn, what I myself would not learn
- I never ask my dog to drink, what I myself would not drink
- I never ask my dog to endure, what I myself would not endure
- I never ask my dog to inhale, what I myself would not inhale
The way to activate that law of Karma or what is also called spontaneous correct choice making, is to ask your heart, ask your body, what’s the right thing to do at this moment?
(My distinctions after recently being sick)
I have returned to health today much more compassionate and aware of my non-verbal soul mates needs and with an understanding that any one of them at any time might be physically sick.
I have returned to health today with an understanding that my non-verbal soul mates need so much more love, so much more nurturing and so much more compassion from me in recognizing that any of one of them may be feeling as physically ill as I just was and need to be loved accordingly.
I have returned to health today with an understanding that I need to be ten times more disciplined in my observation of them every morning and every night so that before I ever ask anything of them, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt they are indeed feeling well enough and up to the task of following through with what I ask of them.
Only when I am absolutely certain my non-verbal soul mates are feeling well and vibrant, will I treat them as such and ask them to do things as if they are feeling totally healthy and pain-free.
I can tell you that Scottie is in physical pain is his knee area. This needs to be addressed before you ever ask him to do the things that you have been asking him to do such as walk like Cesar Millan taught you to do.
I will always remember how my only thought and my biggest regret while I was sick is the fact that out of lack of empathy I have asked Louis or any of my other dogs to walk in the Cesar Millan Military style even while they might be feeling as sick as I was just feeling. If I have done this, which I am almost certain I have, then this is the most regrettable thing I could ever think of in my life. It sickens me so much. If that’s really the case, which I am sure that it has been, it’s my biggest regret ever!
I woke up today with an understanding that that can never happen again and as long as I am NEVER attached to outcomes, and I always assume Louis or any of my other dogs have their reasons for slowing down and not being able to walk fast (including Scottie when he is limping!) and I never think ego, “rules”, future training goals or expectations over process, joy and the highest compassion in this moment, the only thing that counts! Then, and only then am I respecting the information I have just been given by having to go though this physical breakdown and feeling so ill the last 4 days.
I have returned to health today with an understanding that not being able to empathize with my dog's physical pain is my greatest fear and so from this day forward, I am going to be ten times more sensitive than I have ever been to what they are telepathically communicating to me with their eyes, their body language, their physiology and their actions and I will RESPECT that non-verbal communication as much as if they were shouting it in my ear.
I will also go out of my way to make feeding them the HEALTHIEST FOOD AND HEALTHIEST VITAMINS my #1 priority. Vitamin C and other immunity enhancing vitamins has to be just as necessary and a priority as paying the rent. Scottie’s mental fear, his anxiety NEEDS JUST AS MUCH COMPASSION AND EMPATHY AS THEIR PHYSICAL NEEDS. HE NEEDS REASSURING, HE NEEDS POSITIVE ENCOURAGEMENT, HE NEEDS YOUR 100% SUPPORT AND ASSURANCE. TRUST ME!