Hospice Dogs
A gentle, effective, and enlightened approach to dog training

Karma Dog has created the first of its kind Hospice Dog program in the country where current Karma clients can take their own personal dogs to help a person going through the transition process from this world to the next.
Karma Dog’s Hospice Dog Program, the first of its kind in America, enables Karma clients and their dogs to provide support to those facing the transition process from this world to the next.
Open to past and current clients alike, we keep the requirements simple. To be eligible for this program your dog must have either graduated from Karma Dogs Basic Obedience 7 week course or passed the Canine Good Citizen test – no advanced level training is necessary. Our team of professional trainers and handlers are happy to assist in the assessment and evaluation of your dog to be considered for participation in our Hospice program.
When our clients help provide this form of therapy it becomes a wonderful way to give back to the community. We aim to bring transformative hope to those in need during trying times. These visits can greatly improve quality of life by promoting positive healing to their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Studies have demonstrated that holding or petting animals can greatly help lower blood pressure and stress levels as well as help alleviate anxiety, loneliness and depression. By utilizing the natural bond between animals and humans, we are able to provide terminally ill, aging, disabled, and other individuals in need with a sense of joyful and beneficial companionship.
As Jeffrey Brian, founder of Karma Dog, states, 'There's nothing more important to me than giving people a sense of peace about the transition process. I truly believe that this life is but a dream and when we die, all we're really doing is being born back into Heaven."
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Contact UsEmily Ozrey
Director, Karma Dog Training
Director, Karma Dog Training