Adopt Me with Free Training
A gentle, effective, and enlightened approach to dog training
Adopt a Karma Dog and receive unlimited free obedience classes for your new family member!
Karma Dog Training Shelter Adoption Training:
Congratulations! You've adopted (or are considering adopting) a new family member!
At Karma Dog Training we feel that there are few acts as noble as rescuing and adopting an animal in need. We also believe that no good deed should go unrewarded!
To help encourage and give back for the kind and wonderful act of adopting we are offering anyone who rescues a furry friend from an animal rescue group or local shelter our free 7-week basic obedience course. This course has so many benefits but primarily it will help ease the transition of a new dog into your home.
The basic obedience course will cover Karma Dog Training's "7 Requests for Success". Your dog will learn this with both hand signals and voice cues. No harsh corrections.
For 7 weeks, you and your new friend will learn, "watch me", "stay", "come", "down", "heel", "leave it" and "go to your bed". This all is achieved through the power of positive reinforcement training.
This training will not only help ensure you have a well-trained, happy dog but will help you bond with your new family member through the process of training. This course will assist in giving you the tools to understand your dog's behavioral obstacles. Then equip you with a whole new toolbox to use in overcoming those obstacles with training, exercise, socialization, routine, and most importantly love.
Please note there are some guidelines for our program:
- Your new dog must play well with others. In group classes, we must keep the safety of all the dogs as our priority and we cannot allow any aggressive dogs. This includes food aggression and leash aggression. If you are unsure about you dog’s temperament, it is best to err on the side of caution until you're sure it is not an issue.
- Your new family member must be healthy, up-to-date on their shots, and be fully vaccinated. Again, we take our safety seriously.
- Commit to keep the training going with 5 to 10 minutes of daily practice even after the class has ended to ensure your dog continue to grow and learn.
- Be prepared to have fun! While training is very important, we at Karma Dog Training believe it should still be fun for both the owner and their new fur friend.
*Unfortunately if you bring a dog with aggression issues to class we will sadly have to ask you to leave. However, we want to help all newly adopted dogs by offering rescue or shelter dogs with aggression or behavioral issues a 10% discount on all private lessons with one of our head trainers to help you work through those hurdles.
A few facts and helpful hints about your adopted dogs:
You did it! You found a new dog that you feel will fit right into your loving family.
All dogs have a few basic needs that you should have ready for their arrival. We have some helpful suggestions on how to be ready and what to have prepared to help care for your new fur baby.
- A bed. All dogs need a nice soft bed to sleep, cuddle or nap in. *If you've adopted a puppy it may be best to purchase a bed for the size you think they will be when fully grown. Puppies, like kids, grow fast.
- Food bowls. Everyone has to eat!
- Treats. When a pup does something good they deserve a treat!
- High-quality Food. Unless you are keeping the same food they received at the shelter (It's always good to ask what they've been eating) it may take a few days for their tummies to adjust. *Don't be alarmed if they have diarrhea, it's common when transitioning food. If you can slowly integrate their new food with some of the food they've been receiving it will help. Start with 1/4 of the new food and 3/4 old food and work your way up over a week so their systems have time to adjust until it's all new food. *hint: If their tummies are off, you can always use pumpkin to help settle them or simply give them plain white rice and chicken and slowly integrate the new food.
- Toys! Toys help soothe your pup and give them something to keep their active minds occupied when they don't have your full attention. Chew toys are especially important because chewing is a form of release for dogs (and it helps keep their teeth clean). Chew toys can also help keep pups from snacking on other things like slippers!
- Bones and/or Antlers! Dogs love to chew on things and usually clients will choose bones or chew toys but for the most part, we try to make sure they have plenty of bones or antlers because in addition to it being a very relaxing thing for a dog to engage in which will keep them busy, there are plenty of other benefits for chewing on bones and antlers, such as their is added nutritional value as some bones have high-calorie bone marrow in them. As the dogs chew away at the bones in order to try to get the marrow, the dogs are simultaneously getting their intake of calcium as they wear down the bone. Chewing on bones is also a way for puppies to mitigate the pain of teething. And as dogs get older, chewing on bones can actually be beneficial for their dental health. It’s also way for them to remove plaque from their teeth. Most importantly, chewing on a bone for a dog is a great way for them to destress from the commotion of being in a human household. Dogs will also turn to chewing when they are bored and it can definitely help redirect an anxious dog to something that can help them cope with a less than peaceful present moment. If it’s stress-related, then it’s a good idea you add additional mental stimulation for your dog throughout the day with more interaction with you. And the very best thing you can do to add to a dog’s daily ritual is increasing their walking time. Adding additional walking time to their routine paired with allowing them to chew on fresh bones and antlers is going to be a great thing to do.
- A 6 foot Leash, poop bags, collar and harness. Never underestimate the power of a good leash!
- Love and patience. If you've adopted a dog in need you must already have this to give. A new dog is an adjustment but we believe in you and are here to help!
A Note On Shelter Dogs:
Dogs who come directly from the shelter may need some time to decompress. Shelters do a wonderful service to the community, however for the animals they care for it can be VERY stressful. Shelters are generally loud, hectic, and sometimes uninviting environments for animals. Some dogs are fearful, shut down, or simply depressed while others may seem perfectly happy and content. The vast majority of shelter animals are perfectly normal pups who have ended up at the shelter through no fault of their own. They may have ended up there for financial reasons, an owner passing away, homelessness, or a variety of other reasons. The fact is, they all deserve love, a soft bed, and a family to call their own so if you've adopted, we're proud of you!
After being adopted please understand that it may take up to a few weeks for your new family member to settle in and feel safe. With love and patience a shy, quiet dog may come out of its shell to be a joyful, rambunctious, sweet puppy right before your eyes. Give them some space and be kind as they decompress and we're sure they will not only be grateful you rescued them but pay you back in tons of unconditional puppy love. (Which in our opinion is one of the best loves) Give them time to relax and feel at ease, then please contact us using the form below for some bonding training classes!

Maddie is an adorable ten month old Black and White Pittie Dog. She's mostly black with a bit of white above her nose, under her chin and on her chest and belly. The tips of her feet are also white, making it look like she dipped them into white paint! Maddie is extremely friendly, loves everyone and is very kissy and eager to be involved in everything. She loves belly rubs and loves to play. Rescued from living in a cardboard enclosure, she is now enjoying life and learning how to walk on a leash and share her toys. Maddie is in the midst of being trained, and a Trainer will come with her adoption to complete her 'education.' Maddie is available for 'foster2adopt' or adoption.

Presley is an almost 5 year old yellow lab/golden retriever mix. Her owner is looking to re-home her because of a recent move to an apartment. She is primarily an inside dog, but loves to play and run outside. Presley would be happy with a big yard or lots of land where she can run and play. She is very energetic and requires lots of exercise. She loves to play fetch. Presley has been house trained since she was a puppy. She knows several commands such as, sit, lay, shake, “get on your bed,” and “kennel up.” Presley will be receiving training from Karma Dog Training to help with her people skills and leash walking skills. She needs a loving owner who has time to walk her, exercise her and show her lots of love and attention.
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Contact UsEmily Ozrey
Director, Karma Dog Training
Director, Karma Dog Training