Separation Anxiety
A gentle, effective, and enlightened approach to dog training

What is it?
Separation anxiety is when a dog suffers intense stress from being left alone or being away from their loved one. If your dog displays behaviors such as howling, barking, crying in excess, drooling and panting, pacing, chewing things, scratching at exits and trying to escape in response to being away from you, your dog could be suffering from separation anxiety.
How do we address it?
In keeping with our "set your dog up for success" philosophy, we take the least aversive approach to reach training goals and always keep a compassionate understanding that we must be patient and move at the individual dog’s pace. Our separation anxiety exercises are designed to teach a dog how to remain calm during short, controlled absences from its owner. These exercises are useful for dogs who suffer from mild to severe cases of separation anxiety, or for dogs who just don't like their owners to leave the room.
Like any good behavior modification program, this exercise starts off simply and works up, ensuring success all the way. It is important to make it easy for the dog to succeed at every step. Without success, there is nothing to reinforce; without reinforcement there is less of the desired behavior. If your dog has separation anxiety, all he or she wants is for you to be near, thus your return is an effective reinforcer.
In short, we will
- Equipt the owner with important knowledge
- Implement mindful management of the situation
- Set up training for success based on the individual
- Adjust protocols based on results at each step
- Find the coping threshold and increase it
- Unassociate pre-departure behaviors as predictors of separation
- Gradually desensitize
- Empower the owner with how to follow through to keep up progress
Our separation anxiety exercises intend to increase the threshold of how far away you can go from your dog or how long you can stay away before your dog becomes anxious for your return. You will show your dog that you always come back if they remain calm.
The principles of the separation anxiety exercises are the same as for most realistic, sensible treatment protocols, which makes it easier to understand how those protocols work. The insights gained from these exercises make it less likely that serious errors will be made if or when more complex behavior modification procedures are attempted.
Helping your canine best friend conquer their anxiety will lead to a better quality of life and allow for an even stronger bond with you!
Do you need help right away?
The neighbors are complaining, you're getting notes on your door and sadness permeates the air. Your poor doggie is vocalizing because he or she believes you aren't coming back.
The trauma from being separated from their littermates or just being a new rescue who was just abandoned once again is real and painful - to the point that your dog is having a doggie panic attack while you are gone.
What are you supposed to do if the very best Behavior Specialists who specialize in this type of training are usually booked up a week or two in advance? What are your options?
That's where our Separation Anxiety Emergency Hotline Sessions come in to save the day.
Led by a Karma Dog Training Director and an expert in treating separation anxiety, this 60 minute FaceTime, Skype, Google Duo, Zoom or Phone Consultation could be booked in as little as 24 hours.
Can it really help?
Our 15 years of experience shows that even one Separation Anxiety Emergency Hotline Session could mean the difference between being able to stay in your home or being served a notice from your landlord. This game changing guidance could be the difference between being able to keep your dog with you or having to return he/she back to the shelter or rescue where they came from.
Either way, we have your back.
During our Separation Anxiety Emergency Hotline session, you'll gain the tools, knowledge and expertise to immediately address the behavioral symptoms and respond in the same way a top behavior specialist would who has 10 plus years of experience helping people with separation anxiety.
The amazing news is that the treatment plans for Separation Anxiety, whether created in person or not, are identical. That's because treating Separation Anxiety is the one and only true behavioral treatment plan in the dog world where being there in person doesn't increase the likelihood of success.
The reason behind this is simple: when we do private in-home Separation Anxiety sessions, we never get to actually witness your dog's anxiety symptoms since being in the presence of your dog literally precludes the necessity for them to have a doggie panic attack. The information and teachings are exactly the same as if you were working with us in person.
Please call or email us today to see if our Separation Anxiety Emergency Hotline Session can be exactly what you need. Book a 60-minute session via FaceTime, Skype, Google Duo, Zoom or Phone Consultation in as little as 24 hours!
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Contact UsEmily Ozrey
Director, Karma Dog Training
Director, Karma Dog Training