Board & Train (Business Hours)
A gentle, effective, and enlightened approach to dog training

The path to a successfully trained dog is to take consistent, predetermined steps that will allow your dog's best and highest version of themselves to emerge. You cannot wish your dog to master Karma Dog's "7 Requests for Success" or take the “ordinary” path that most dog parents do and expect to have a well-trained dog.
According to a recent American Pet Product Association National Pet Owners Survey, four percent of the dogs in the U.S. take a training class. An article in the Journal of the American Animal Hospitalization Association seems to confirm that dim percentage, noting that only 4.7 percent of puppies in a particular study had attended a socialization class.
With our Board & Train (Business Hours) program, you have the opportunity right now to take massive action that will improve your dog's behavior day-by-day.
For Puppies
Socialization is the specific act of exposing an animal to novel situations in a slow and precise fashion focusing on keeping interactions short, positive, and fear free.This ''imprinting period'' in a puppy's development during which the puppy must be exposed to people, places, and things is critical so that your puppy will not develop into a fearful adult. It is unfortunate that many owners are not aware of this important stage and refrain from sufficiently socializing their puppy.
With our Puppy Starter "Boot Camp" Business Hours program, your puppy is not only learning everything he/she needs in order to reach their full potential but they are also receiving the best socialization possible by being among our head trainer's dogs.
The best part?
Your puppy can still make it home for dinner.
Why Is This Socialization Superior?
The socialization your puppy gets from playing with our head trainer's dogs is extremely valuable because each of the Karma Dog Trainers who take on board and train clients, have either one or two of their own dogs, who become excellent doggie teachers for your puppy as they teach them proper bite inhibition and acceptable social cues with other dogs.
Am I Involved?
Karma Dog Training's Board & Train (Business Hours) program comes with 15 minute private one-on-one daily "Wrap Up" sessions with your trainer at the end of each business day to ensure that training sticks and you're feeling totally empowered.
In addition, each Board & Train (Business Hours) comes with a free private training follow up session for every 5 days of training, a free 7 week series of Puppy Kindergarten classes, and a free 7 week series of Virtual classes.
For Dogs 5 Months and Older
Our Board & Train (Business Hours) program for dogs 5 months and older is a great alternative to sending your dog to a traditional doggie daycare if your dog needs to be trained.
Schedule Now
Contact UsEmily Ozrey
Director, Karma Dog Training
Director, Karma Dog Training